Tuesday 12 July 2011

Viagra fact or myth questions answered.

VIAGRA IMPROVES YOUR SEX DRIVE: Myth. It can improve erection problems in most men who use it. But it won't increase your sex-drive or urge, if that's what's up. In other words, it may well put lead in your pencil. But it won't find a long-lost pencil case.

VIAGRA WAS ORIGINALLY A DRUG FOR ANGINA: Fact. Researchers were investigating men's hearts when they discovered that the drug actually improved erection quality. Result? An abrupt change of tack. And that means blokes with heart problems can relax when using Viagra - so long as it's been recommended by their GP. After all, if it was originally a heart treatment, it's not likely to hurt, is it?

VIAGRA'S THE ONLY TREATMENT WORTH TAKING FOR ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION: Myth. In fact, there are two other pill treatments these days: Cialis and Levitra. And there are non pill options, too, ranging from injections, through vacuum devices, to psychosexual counselling. Remember, too, that some men don't need treatment at all - the odd failure to rise to the occasion may just be because of temporary knackeredness.

GRAPEFRUIT JUICE INTERFERES WITH VIAGRA: Fact. It can also mess up the other pill treatments - by increasing their blood flow. So most experts advise avoiding necking the magic pills with grapefruit juice.

VIAGRA'S AVAILABLE ON THE NHS: Myth. Not for most men, it's not. A few are entitled to an NHS prescription - such as those with MS, diabetes, Parkinson's disease and prostate cancer. The rest have to cough up to keep their pecker up.

VIAGRA CAN MAKE YOUR VISION GO BLUE: Fact. Strange, but true - very rarely. It's temporary and harmless, though. More common side effects include flushing, indigestion and a dripping nose. Oh, and headache - just pray she doesn't say, "So have I."

VIAGRA GIVES YOU AN INSTANT ERECTION: Myth. Some of the older treatments - like injections - did this. But if you pop the pill and just wait for the old chap to stand to attention, you could be waiting all night. Because the drug simply primes you for action - you still need the usual foreplay to get you going.

YOU CAN BUY VIAGRA ON THE INTERNET: Fact. Of course you can, but only buy from an online pharmacy such as www.medical-specialists.co.uk

VIAGRA'S ONLY USED FOR ERECTION PROBLEMS: Myth. In fact, it's also used for some lung diseases and altitude sickness. And, supposedly, it helps jet lag as well - though that particular research was restricted to hamsters.

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